Welcome To Moto's Web Server
Presented by Motoharu Internet Project System
Japanese Version(S-JIS) is here.
(Last Update:'95.7.17)
Recent News
This the latest imformation on Motoharu Sano. Included are exclusive info
of new record releases,live schedules, and answers to the f.a.q."What's
Motoharu up to now?".
We renew our page twice a month ,in collaboration with the official fan club
magazine "Cafe Bohemia"
Please enjoy it!
- Nomo, the rookie pitcher for the Los AngelesDodgers, and "Don't cry"
- The Kingstones covered "Bad Girl"
- Motoharu produced the single for Heat Wave
- New on the Net "The Internet Motoharu Fan Page Project"
- Motoharu encourages Yasuhiko Akasaka(Japanese Disk Jocky)
- The session for the next release started!
- More Infomation 1
- More Infomation 2
- More Infomation 3
This is the biography of Motoharu Sano. It's separated by year and you
can browse through events by the calender form. We,the MIPS, aim to
provide the complete and unabridged bio of Moto. If you find any lacking
events or mistakes,please let us know.
Copyright(c) MEDIA FRONT
Music Words & Images
Singles 7inch,12inch,CD
Moto Pictures
Moto QuickTime Movies
Guitar Tabs
On The Road
There is the concert tour lists from his live debut to the latest. Elect
the concert that you think was best,and please send us your impressions of
that concert. We are waiting for your reports!!
Tour Records
Live Report From Readers
Letters from the Heartland
These are the official letters from Motoharu Sano to his fans. They are
presented on various media. We collected letters from Moto,from his debut
to the present, which you can browse any time in the order due. It's one of
the most precious sources in order to understand Motoharu Sano.
Cool Stuff
Official FanClub "M'sFactory"
Motoharu Mailing List
Motoharu Home Party on Nifty Serve
Motoharu Karaoke List(update:June 12 '95)
Motoharu Song's Ranking - Your choice!
Guest Book
MIPS's Favorite Web Pages
Original Japanese edition and English Language edition
Copyright(c) 1995 by Sony Music Entertainment(Japan)Inc. Moto & Associates.
All Rights Reserved.
this site is produced and managed by MIPS's staff, completed thanks to
Sony Corporation, recognized by Sony Music Entertainment(Japan)Inc. and
Moto & Associates.
QuickTime is registrated trademark of Apple Computer,INC.
If you have any question, suggestion and so on, please tell to this address: